
6 05 2012

I am currently reading in Isaiah. Some of my favorite passages are in this book.

Isaiah 6 is a popular passage to be talked about, but here are my thoughts:

I am convicted by and in awe of Isaiah’s repentance and commitment to God. He realizes how undeserving he is. It is easy for me to run back to God when things get tough. But after awhile, I slack again. And heaven forbid I be in the wrong. I need to come to a point where I can step down and realize exactly how undeserving I am, and that I should not keep sinning, even though I am covered by His grace. 

 Isaiah then volunteers himself. “Here am I! Send me.” He is so committed. Something every Christian needs to realize, is that our lives are supposed to be fully committed to God. Our pray every day should be, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

You never know what opportunities God may have in store for you, if you repent and commit to him.

The Time is Now

5 05 2012

I have been trying to figure out how to motivate myself to dive in deeper with God. And how to stay accountable. I so desperately want to crush idols that have been taking a hold of my life the past few years.

So, this blog is here. Thanks to my handy iPod touch, I can blog from it and have my Bible in it. I really have no excuse not to be reading my Bible since I have it on my iPod. (the problem is when my iPod becomes an idol)

I would love to have you join my journey!
